Tuesday 28 August 2012

Number 25 - Defending your Life

Have you ever wondered what happens after you died?
Most of the people I asked just said: "Nothing. When you're dead, you're dead." Well, that's sounds logical because nobody can really tell you what you are going to see or feel but I'd like to believe that there is more. More than just stop breathing and getting buried.

I personally wouldn't think it as that bad if it was like in "Defending your Life".

This movie starring Meryl Streep and Albert Brooks tells the story of two people falling in love somewhere between heaven and earth.
To all women in the world wouldn't it be more than amazing beeing in a place where you can eat as much as you want and not gaining any weight? That would be hilarious!

Or a place where Shirley Maclaine speaks to you and you find out who you were in your past lifes.
I truly think that would be extreme interesting and would make a lot of things easier to handle with.

"Defending your Life" broaches the issue of death without taking it too serious.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Number 33 - Falling in Love

I have heard that Meryl did this movie to do Robert DeNiro a favour. I don't know whether this is true or not but who cares? Meryl did it and frankly we would be very sad if she didn't do it!

"Falling in Love" is a sweet little love story about two married people discovering deeper feelings for each other than they propably should.

Do you remember that scene where Meryl's character Molly is getting ready to meet Frank played by Robert? She runs around in her room and just can't decide which outfit to wear. This particular scene is really so familiar to me. The thing is, you loved all your clothes just yesterday but now everything has changed and nothing fits.
Meryl plays that scene so funny and realistic that I automatically got reminded why I love her so much!

Friday 24 August 2012

Number 42 - A Single Man

Why women like it: Just watch the first scene! ;-)
Why men like it: How should I know? I'm not a man.

A gay college professor in the 1960s lost his partner with whom he live together for 16 years. We see the day as he finally decided to kill himself because he cannot bare the loss of his love anymore but a young student makes him realise that life is actually worth living.

Professor George Falconer is played by the magnificent Colin Firth who recieved an Academy Award nomination for his performance! I have to say I was quite sad as I heard he didn't won...why can't just every nominee get an Award?? - I like the thought but I guess it's not doable...too bad. -

What I personally like so much about this movie is that the silence dominates the whole action. Of course it's not a silence movie but the parts where nobody speaks and we just watch the actors play are so intense. For example the scene where Colin's character gets informed about his boyfriend's death. As he hangs up the phone he just sits there unable to say anything This scene is so amazingly played that we (the audience) can look right into his soul and feel what he feels.

Such a great and moving movie!

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Number 32 - Out of Africa

First day of "Movie Lottery".
I'm too lucky to tell you that the first movie I drew is the masterpiece "Out of Africa" starring Meryl Streep, Robert Redford and Klaus Maria Brandauer!
The story is set in Kenia, Africa and is based on several books by Karen Blixen.

Seven Academy Awards in 1985. All of them more than deserved. This movie was honoured in the catagories Best Sound, Best Original Score, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction, Best Director and Best Pictiure - and this is more than great, this is just amazing - but I guess all of you will agree if I say it should rather be eight, nine, ten or eleven (the movie was nominated for eleven Academy Awards)! Don't you agree that this movie is just perfect?!

I've never been to Africa but when I watch this movie I just what to leave and discover the beauties of Africa...!

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Movie lottery

Isn't it totally frustrating when you find yourself again infront of your fabulous DVD collection and you just don't know which one to pick today? Then you go like: "Oh, I'll take this one... But I watched it two times last week... Whatever I just love it so much. But, wait. What about this one? Or this? Or this?....." And it goes on and on and on...

Well, I find myself much too often in such a situation, so I had the idea of making a "Movie lottery".
It works like this: I counted my DVD's and made a lot for every single one, then I will draw a lot everytime I want to watch a movie and the most important thing, I'm not annoying myself with not beeing able to choose.

Of course I will report about this here in my blog to tell you how I'm dealing with it.
See you soo! =)

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Movie of the day - Blow Dry

To be honest, I haven't heard about that movie before. I only got curious about it, as I saw it in the TV programme, because it is a British movie and Alan Rickman is starring in it.
Long story short I watched it and I was blown away! The describtion I read said "a small British movie". Why for God's sake a "small" movie? It should be rather called "another masterpiece"!
I have to admit the the story might be simple at first sight but when you look deeper under the surface it is a very emotional movie about family, love and competition.

I have another confession to make. This movie finally showed me how amazing Alan Rickman is! Don't get me wrong, of course I loved his acting in all the "Harry Potter" movies and in "Love Actually" but this time was different.
Alan Rickman has something in his eyes I haven't noticed before. I don't know what it is but it got right into my heart...

Friday 10 August 2012


I honestly don't know what I would do without music.

Music describes a situation, a feeling when only words can't do it anymore.
Music brings people together and tears them apart.
Music does so much for us that we're not aware of! It makes us feel better when we're having a bad day or gives us the feeling to be understood by just listening to a melody.
Think about your favourite band, singer or istrumentalist. Why do you like him or her so much? I'm sure you feel much more than just the admiration for the very handsome bandleader while listening to their music...

Therefore you can only lean back and enjoy!

Monday 6 August 2012

Series of the day - Pride & Prejudice (BBC)

I don't know anyone who hasn't fallen in love as he or she (well, actually basically women are watching it) has watched this series for the first time!
Jane Austen has written the book called "Pride & Prejudice" more than 200 years ago. She has given us one of the most romantic love stories the world has ever seen and which was made into a film severyl times until now.

My absolute favourite adaptation is the one from BBC in 1995! At that time I have been too young to understand anything of the story but as I got to it a few years ago I fell in love like many people (mostly women) before me. I cannot deny that the reason for my admiration is the very handsome Mr. Darcy played by Colin Firth! You must agree that noone could portray him better that Colin!! And with Jennifer Ehle as Elizabeth Bennet he could not have a more gorgeous partner! Jennifer is so beautiful and such a talented actress, just perfect as Elizabeth Bennet!

I believe the director once said: "Colin has this talent, which only a few actors have, to look arrogant and sexy at the same time."
Oh, how he was right!!

Sunday 5 August 2012

Frozen Yogurt

Small, medium or tall? With chocolate, strawberries, blueberries, marshmallows or cookies?
Sometimes it can be difficutlt to decide but when you finally found your personal combination you can lean back and just enjoy! In summer it's a delicious refreshment and in winter it's delicious!! :D

What is your favourite frozen yogurt combination??

Saturday 4 August 2012

Movie of the day - The Iron Lady

Meryl Streep portrays Margaret Thatcher, England's first female prime minister.
This movie doesn't contain much of her political achievements but Thatcher's life in her 80's, how she remembers her career and her troubles of getting over her husband's death a few years ago.

This magnificent performance brings Meryl her 3rd Oscar. In my opinion she should've gotten a Academy Award years ago for movies like "The Bridges of Madison County" or "Julie&Julia"! She's so brilliant in everything she does! And not only Meryl has got an Oscar for this movie but her hair stylist and make up artist Roy, too! That needs to be mentioned as well because the make up was just excellent!

You have surely seen Meryl's acceptance speech at the Oscar's 2012. This is really my favourite speech she gave so far! So moving! So witty! I had tears in my eyes as she thanked Don for being so supportive all these years and I laughed with all my heart as she said: "I had the feeling half America's going: Oh no! Why? Her, again... But, whatever!"
I just love her so much!!

I uploaded Meryl's speech!! Have fun watching it!
Colin Firth's presenting this category!!
"Meryl. Mamma Mia!. We were in Greece, we were dancing, I was gay and we were happy." :D :D