Friday 24 August 2012

Number 42 - A Single Man

Why women like it: Just watch the first scene! ;-)
Why men like it: How should I know? I'm not a man.

A gay college professor in the 1960s lost his partner with whom he live together for 16 years. We see the day as he finally decided to kill himself because he cannot bare the loss of his love anymore but a young student makes him realise that life is actually worth living.

Professor George Falconer is played by the magnificent Colin Firth who recieved an Academy Award nomination for his performance! I have to say I was quite sad as I heard he didn't won...why can't just every nominee get an Award?? - I like the thought but I guess it's not doable...too bad. -

What I personally like so much about this movie is that the silence dominates the whole action. Of course it's not a silence movie but the parts where nobody speaks and we just watch the actors play are so intense. For example the scene where Colin's character gets informed about his boyfriend's death. As he hangs up the phone he just sits there unable to say anything This scene is so amazingly played that we (the audience) can look right into his soul and feel what he feels.

Such a great and moving movie!

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